
Epaulets Scarlet!

It didn't take long for Red-winged Blackbirds to move in and begin to claim territories along roadsides and in fields. Evenly spaced apart and perched atop the right bushes, small trees, wires, and posts, their songs seem to offer a welcome as much as a dare. Gregarious in flocks and somewhat gawky in solitude, the birds with blazing epaulets have returned!

The globe grinds on, proceeds 
with the business of Aprils and men.
Next year will redwings see me, 
or I them, again then?
If not, some man else may pause, 
awaiting that rusty, musical cry,
And catch – how gallant – the flash 
of epaulets scarlet against blue sky.

Red-winged Blackbird © 2010 Mike McDowell