Celebrating an entire decade of blogging about birds and other nature-y subjects!
Last year on this day I wrote:
"The original version of this blog was a simple text log of my bird observations in an .HTML table. That was back in 2005. I switched to blogger shortly thereafter, but don't recall exactly when. The content and style evolved in various ways over the years, but birding and nature photography at Pheasant Branch Conservancy continues to be my primary focus. I will continue writing, photographing, and sharing my birding and digiscoping stories for the foreseeable future. Spring is just around the corner, so posts ought to increase as I start spending more time outdoors."
And last year turned out to be one of my favorite and most productive yet. But the amount of effort required to sustain such a high level of output and quality is a lot of work and sometimes it feels more like an obligation than ordinary fun. I guess in a way I'm very fortunate that my vocation and avocation are so closely aligned. Perhaps my feelings are a normal reaction from doing anything for such a long period of time. It isn't so much a question of whether or not I'll continue birding as it is about the production and publication of this website. An adjustment of some type feels necessary, but what that might entail I'm not sure. However, winter is not a good time to make a firm decision on this for the same reason I mentioned last year. Spring is coming and I will be spending more time at the creek corridor, the prairie, and the woods—there are bound to be discoveries and moments worth sharing.