
Open Birding!

Beginning this season and moving forward, here’s how I intend to handle some of my outings to Pheasant Branch Conservancy and other nearby places. Any entry indicated as “OB” (for Open Birding) will not be considered a field trip or be affiliated with an organization or group. Instead, they will be “Open Birding” dates. Most of my birding friends and acquaintances know I traditionally spend a good share of my Pheasant Branch time with Sylvia Marek and Dottie Johnson. During migration, it isn’t uncommon for other birders to join us, and they are welcome to do so whether I personally know you or not. You don’t have to ask, just show up!

Your end of the deal:
  • Please keep talking to a minimum (questions are welcome).
  • Please do not walk ahead of me.
  • No pets, please.

My end of the deal:
  • I will identify every single bird I see or hear and help everyone in the group to get on it.
  • I will bird for at least an hour, but most outings will be closer to two hours.
  • I will bird rain or shine, but not when there is lightning.

Event Dates (* = Open Birding):

08/29 @ 7:00am: Pheasant Branch Conservancy - Creek Corridor *
09/12 @ 7:00am  Pheasant Branch Conservancy - Creek Corridor *
09/19 @ 7:00am: Pheasant Branch Conservancy - Prairie Parcel *
09/27 @ 7:30am: Pope Farm Conservancy 
10/04 @ 7:15am: Pheasant Branch Conservancy - Prairie Parcel *
10/25 @ 7:30am: Pheasant Branch Conservancy - Prairie Parcel *

Link: Birding Map of Pheasant Branch Conservancy

© 2015 Mike McDowell