(click on image for larger version)
That my digiscoping archive is a bit disorganized is an understatement. The 13,000 or so images I have accumulated are stored in folders by year and month on my computer. About the only index is my website showing dates individual birds were photographed. But every once in a while, either when I’ve come up with a new post-processing technique I want to try or get an idea for a blog article, I think to myself, “Hey, I think I know where that picture is,” it can take quite an effort searching through the images.
While looking for a particular image, I'm occasionally surprised by finding one I can’t believe I didn’t publish on my website. Take this Hermit Thrush photograph as an example of a picture I recently stumbled upon. Thinking back, I remember that day and taking the shot, but it’s interesting how I had completely forgotten about it on account of my sloppy archive system. Now I’m thinking about reorganizing the folders taxonomically, but I think I’ll save that undertaking for the next snowstorm.
Q: How do you organize your digital image archive?
Hermit Thrush image © 2005 Michael McDowell