From: Luthin, Charles S
Sent: Mon 3/20/2006 3:31 PM
Subject: Happy Spring--Whoopers have Returned!
Friends & Colleagues,
At this time of the year we are always eagerly awaiting news of the arrival of the first whooping cranes to Wisconsin, returning from their wintering areas in Florida and other southern states. I am pleased to report that quite a number of whoopers have been reported in Wisconsin, starting last Friday. Unofficially, at least 16 whoopers are back in the state, perhaps more. Barb Barzen, our grants coordinator at the Foundation, saw a pair on her way home from the office to the Spring Green area last Friday. There are a total of 64 birds that need to be accounted for this year. Wow, our whooper population is growing! As more "official" reports are received, we'll keep you posted.
Just thought I'd share the good news on this first day of spring!
Charlie Luthin, Executive Director
Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin
Eagle Optics is a proud corporate sponsor for Operation Migration’s Whooping Crane reintroduction program.
Whooping Crane image © 2006 Mike McDowell