Yesterday I saw my first Yellow-rumped Warbler and Ruby-crowned Kinglet of fall migration. The birding in the morning at Pheasant Branch was exceptional. I returned after work, but the wind had picked up and there were fewer birds. I explored the Parisi Park trail (adjacent to part of Pheasant Branch) and then followed the stream corridor trail all the way to Century Avenue. There were a few redstarts, magnolia warblers and chestnut-sided warblers, but not much else. Walking back to my car, I decided to check Parisi Park one more time before heading home. I was shocked to discover the park shelter was on fire. It looked like someone had piled up a bunch of plastic material, now melted, around a wooden support and set it ablaze. The flames started crawling higher. I don't carry a cell phone, so I got in my car and drove several blocks to the police department. I returned because I figured they would want a statement from me. By the time the police and fire department got there, the flames were almost to the roof, but they quickly extinguished the fire.
Yellow-rumped Warbler © 2007 Mike McDowell