
More Spring Arrivals

Pasque Flowers


The passage of spring is an event taking days, weeks and even months. One by one, the harbingers please us with their awesome natural beauty; there is a unique feeling or reminiscence as we experience each type. Witnessing spring's winged and blossoming arrivals on a given day, we are inclined to mark nature's march toward summer one living organism at a time. We'll see an American Robin and proclaim spring has arrived, but we know it's merely a prelude to what lies ahead and it's going to get even better in the forthcoming days. Such progressions were captured in transit this weekend, in a few forms I include here.

Palm Warbler

Surrounded by dozens of Yellow-rumped Warblers, a lone Palm Warbler was a new arrival this morning at Pheasant Branch Conservancy. Around southern Wisconsin, birders are starting to report feathered gems like Wilson's Warbler, Blackburnian Warbler, Pine Warbler and Orange-crowned Warbler. It was a splendid weekend to enjoy the warmer weather with friends of all ages at a favorite natural area.


All images © 2008 Mike McDowell