Solitary Sandpiper
Shorebird migration continues to progress and I’ve been closely monitoring a drainage pond just outside of Waunakee on Woodland Drive. The past week or so, I’ve found Solitary Sandpiper, Spotted Sandpiper, Lesser Yellowlegs, Least Sandpiper, Semipalmated Sandpiper, Baird’s Sandpiper, Pectoral Sandpiper, Semipalmated Plover and lots of Killdeer. A few other birders have been finding Buff-breasted Sandpipers in southern Wisconsin. Yesterday on my way into work I checked the Pheasant Branch stream corridor for early southbound warblers, but found none. I’ll be leading a field trip for Madison Audubon at Pheasant Branch on August 28th. Expect to see warblers, vireos, flycatchers and other migrants. Bring comfortable shoes for a two hour walk. Meet at 7:00 a.m. in Middleton at the dead-end street by Parisi Park (where Park Lawn St. and Park St. meet.) Rain or shine!
Solitary Sandpiper © 2008 Mike McDowell