On May 8th and 9th at 7:00am I'll be leading field trips around Indermuehle Island during the 2010 Horicon Marsh Bird Festival. They're free, open to the public, and meet at the Horicon Marsh International Education Center off HWY 28 between Mayville and Horicon. We generally find between 75 and 90 bird species around the island. Expected birds include Black Tern, Black-crowned Night Heron, Yellow-headed Blackbird, Marsh Wren, Common Moorhen, Sora, many warblers, and dozens of other migratory songbirds. We've also had surprises like Least Bittern and Bell's Vireo in the past, so you never know what might be discovered! Rain or shine!
Link: Horicon Marsh Birding Festival 2010