It's hard to believe just how much summer retired during the past week; the evidence is all around us though most of us only witness it in colors of leaves. Only a week ago, there were still hundreds of warblers moving through the creek corridor at Pheasant Branch Conservancy, but yesterday they were replaced by Ruby-crowned and Golden-crowned Kinglets.
Palm Warbler
Though I managed to find a few Magnolias, a Black-throated Green, and an American Redstart, hearing the familiar chip-notes of Yellow-rumps in the canopy and spotting my first Palm Warblers of fall were definitive signs that warbler migration is drawing to a close in southern Wisconsin; we'll have to wait until spring for the next wave of large warbler flocks.
White-throated Sparrow
With the arrival the Fall Equinox, White-throated Sparrows are returning in prodigious numbers and are filling forests and woodlots throughout the area. Other sparrows at the conservancy this past weekend included White-crowned, Lincoln's, Song, and Chippies.
All images © 2010 Mike McDowell