Friends of Little Blue: wildflower enthusiasts!
Just 12 miles from Middleton, Black Earth Rettenmund Prairie is a great place to see a rich diversity of native wildflowers throughout spring, summer, and fall. Yesterday I joined Friends of Little Blue for a leisurely evening stroll consisting of birds and flowers.
Singing Grasshopper Sparrow
There were Savannah Sparrows, at least one singing Grasshopper Sparrow, plus Eastern Meadowlarks, Eastern Kingbird, Eastern Bluebird, and a Black-billed Cuckoo we heard calling from the treeline to the west. The hillsides are covered with Birdsfoot Violets, Blue-eyed Grass, Wood Betony, and Shooting Stars. I brought along my Nikon Coolpix 4500 for its great macro capability:
Hoary Puccoon and Birdsfoot Violet.
Wood Betony.
Shooting Star.
Yellow Star Grass.
Birdsfoot Violet.
All images © 2011 Mike McDowell