Green Heron Portraits
After I finished my regular walk along the Pheasant Branch Conservancy creek corridor on Tuesday, I fetched my spotting scope and headed to the west end of the trail by Parmenter Street. Green Herons were very successful this summer at the confluence ponds and several young dispersed and have been hunting along the creek. While riding my bike along the trail the past few weeks, I kept seeing the little herons perched on partially submerged tree limbs and rocks. If only I had my camera with me, what stunning portraits I might get! I finally decided to try digiscoping them. The lighting was good, but it still wasn't particularly easy. The bird I settled on was pretty skittish and scolded whenever I moved, even when all I did was put my hand to my camera to take an exposure. I eventually discovered a spot of thick brush I could hide behind and was far enough away that the little heron went about its business.
All images © 2012 Mike McDowell