Swamp Sparrow
My final field trip of 2012!
Migrant Songbirds of Pheasant Branch Conservancy
Saturday, October 27th, 2012 at 7:30am
The focus of this trip will be sparrow species, including White-throated, White-crowned, Lincoln's, Swamp, Song, Clay-colored, and others. Meet 7:30am at the Dane County Unit of Pheasant Branch Conservancy, about 1.5 miles north of Century Avenue in Middleton on Pheasant Branch Road. This is the third parking lot for the conservancy on the right as you drive north out of Middleton. Bring warm clothes for cool early morning fall weather.
The two Le Conte's Sparrows were still present yesterday morning, but with the colder weather on the way, I'd be surprised if they're still hanging around on Saturday. However, we'll still find around a dozen sparrow species and a slew of other late fall migrant birds like Horned Larks, American Pipits, and Lapland Longspurs. But you never know what's going to show up during migration, so be prepared for anything. I'm hoping for my first-of-fall Northern Shrike!
Swamp Sparrow © 2012 Mike McDowell