Happy August!
Here's my field trip schedule for August through October:
08/14/13 @ 6:30pm Pope Farm Conservancy
08/24/13 @ 7:00am Pheasant Branch Conservancy creek corridor
09/12/13 @ 7:00am Pheasant Branch Conservancy creek corridor
09/17/13 @ 7:00am Pheasant Branch Conservancy creek corridor
10/05/13 @ 7:30am Pheasant Branch Conservancy prairie
10/26/13 @ 7:30am Pheasant Branch Conservancy prairie
The August 14th tour at Pope Farm Conservancy is more of an informational and historical field trip led by Mel Pope, but I'll be there to point out what birds are present. The August 24th and two field trips in September are warbler walks at the creek corridor and will focus on identifying warblers, flycatchers, vireos, thrushes, and other southbound migratory songbirds. The two October field trips take place at the prairie parcel along Pheasant Branch Road. We'll look for migratory sparrows like Lincoln's, White-throated, White-crowned, Vesper, Clay-colored, and others. Last year there were a few Le Conte's Sparrows and at least one Harris's Sparrow present at the prairie, so you never know what might show up. All field trips and free and open to the public.
I'll see you there!