The Vernal Equinox in Madison, WI will occur at 11:47 AM CDT. This unrelenting winter is going to have to give way soon, but I see there's snow in the forecast for early next week!
Here's my spring birding field trip schedule:
4-17 @ 6:30 PM - Pheasant Branch Conservancy (American Woodcock)
4-24 @ 6:00 AM - Pheasant Branch Conservancy (warbler walk)
5-01 @ 6:00 AM - Pheasant Branch Conservancy (warbler walk)
5-13 @ 6:00 AM - Pheasant Branch Conservancy (warbler walk)
5-15 @ 6:00 AM - Pheasant Branch Conservancy (warbler walk)
5-22 @ 6:00 PM - Pheasant Branch Conservancy (grassland birds)
6-14 @ 8:30 AM - Middleton Airport (grassland birds)
6-17 @ 7:00 AM - Pheasant Branch Conservancy (grassland birds)
6-21 @ 7:00 AM - Pope Farm Conservancy (grassland birds)
All field trips are free and open to the public - all ages are welcome!