Spring Green Preserve (west)
Mark Johnson and I returned to Spring Green Preserve on Sunday and met Glenn Chambliss there. Glenn wanted to see the Blue Grosbeak as it was a life bird for him, as it was for Dottie and Sylvia the previous day. Mark and I had another goal in mind and that was to photograph as many different kinds of insects and spiders as we could find. Glenn came along only for the morning effort and I think he was impressed by the diversity of insects we were able to show him. Mark and I ended up spending the the entire day at the preserve, visiting both the east and west units.
I was also hoping to put my Prairie Fame-flower quest to rest, as it's a wildflower I've been trying to catch open since last year—success this time! During our bug hunt, Mark made an awesome discovery when closely inspecting oak saplings; they're a veritable goldmine for treehoppers! We found three hairstreak species, three tiger beetles, four robber flies and at least four treehopper species. There were also several kinds of dragonflies, but not very many spiders. I took over 600 photographs; it was a difficult process deciding which to publish.
I use bugguide.net to help with identification. When I'm stumped, I'll ask a friend or two for help. From my time in the field to publishing here, keeping this blog supplied with fresh material can be a considerable effort. Once at my computer, there's image selection, post-processing, critter identification, and then coming up with a narrative to put it all together. It's a lot of work, but an absolute labor of love.
Spring Green Preserve (west)
Flower Crab Spider with prey
Treehopper Archasia auriculata
Treehopper Glossonotus univittatus
Treehopper Archasia belfragei
Treehopper Smilia camelus
Treehopper Glossonotus univittatus
Silvery Checkerspot
Coral Hairstreak
Robber fly Efferia aestuans (mating)
Robber fly Proctacanthus hinei
Robber fly Proctacanthella cacopiliga
Robber fly Efferia albibarbis
Robber fly Proctacanthus hinei
Mydas Fly Mydas clavatus
Prairie Fame-flower
Prairie Fame-flower
Prairie Fame-flower
Lark Sparrow's nest!
I typically don't photograph bird nests, but this one was too unique not to document and share. My birding cohorts inadvertently flushed a Lark Sparrow from its nest which was only a couple feet away from the trail. We took a quick peak at the eggs, I took a photo, and then waited with my digiscoping rig for the sparrow to return to its eggs. Pretty cool, but do be careful where you walk at Spring Green Preserve. However, I do like how the sparrow built its nest right next to a Prickly Pear.
Lark Sparrow returns!
Other birds included Field Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Vesper Sparrow, Henslow's Sparrow, Brown Thrasher, Indigo Bunting, Orchard Oriole, Baltimore Oriole, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Eastern Towhee, Scarlet Tanager, American Kestrel, Eastern Meadowlark, Eastern Kingbird, Turkey Vulture, and more!
All images © 2014 Mike McDowell