Pheasant Branch Conservancy - Creek Corridor
Thus far I've tallied 16 warbler species at Pheasant Branch Conservancy since August 1st. I confess I'm feeling a little spoiled by the spectacular views and photo opportunities we experienced during May. Right now the warblers are foraging high in the canopy making it practically impossible to get digiscoped images of them. However, my digiscoping efforts during fall migration are typically reserved for sparrows, which are far more accommodating photography subjects. I think my 2014 efforts will go down as some of my best work, so I feel I've earned a bit of a break and haven't been carrying my digiscoping gear most mornings.
Pheasant Branch Conservancy - Creek Corridor
Early Monday morning at the creek corridor I found two Black-and-white Warblers, a Magnolia Warbler, and a single Tennessee Warbler. The pace of migration has been a little slow. After an hour of birding, I decided to call Mark Johnson and see if he wanted to go to Spring Green Preserve for non-avian critter photography.
Spring Green Preserve
Virginia Big-headed Tiger Beetle Tetracha virginica
We were only a short distance from the kiosk near the entrance when I spotted a large beetle on the trail. I knew immediately from its shape it was a tiger beetle, and an extremely large one. Not only is the Virginia Big-headed Tiger Beetle the largest in its genus, it's also nocturnal so we were very surprised to find one on the trail around noon. A "lifer" insect, it's the seventh tiger beetle species I've observed at Spring Green Preserve, the others being Big Sands, Oblique-lined, Punctured, Splendid, Festive, and Six-spotted. Some sources say there are eight different tiger beetle species at the preserve, while others say seven.
Virginia Big-headed Tiger Beetle Tetracha virginica
Virginia Big-headed Tiger Beetle Tetracha virginica
Virginia Big-headed Tiger Beetle Tetracha virginica
Robber Fly Proctacanthus milbertii
Flowering Spurge
Pearly Everlasting
Blazing Star
Leaf-cutter Bee
Eastern Tailed-Blue
Phidippus Jumping Spider
Walking Stick
All images © 2014 Mike McDowell