Least Sandpiper
Fall migration? It’s on! Actually, migrating shorebirds were spotted in southern Wisconsin a couple of weeks ago. So far I’ve seen reports of Lesser Yellowlegs, Short-billed Dowitchers, Stilt Sandpipers, Least Sandpipers, etc. Southbound eastern populations of Least Sandpipers likely migrate by undertaking nonstop transoceanic migrations of 1,800 to 2,500 miles from the Gulf of St. Lawrence and New England to wintering grounds in northeastern South America. That’s an amazing journey for such a tiny peep!
Least Sandpiper - Range Map
Me, on the other hand ... meh! I haven’t birded Pheasant Branch Conservancy since July 3rd, but I may try and get out tomorrow morning for a little while. It all depends on how strong my leg feels, but I probably won’t do any digiscoping unless there’s something close to the parking lot. I can walk comfortably for a little while, but I don’t want to overdo it and set myself back now that songbird migration is just around the corner.
Insect and wildflower photography is easier to manage because I only have to carry my camera and macro lens. Plus, I can find a decent quantity of subjects in a comparatively smaller area. There are a couple of tiger beetle spots I might check, too. If things go well this weekend, blog activity should increase again. But if not, I may go on hiatus until sometime mid to late August. As a regular long-distance walker/hiker, this injury has been a real test of my perseverance and will. I need to be outside and getting exercise during the warm months!
Least Sandpiper © 2015 Mike McDowell