Festive Tiger Beetle (Cicindela scutellaris)
Arriving migratory birds at Pheasant Branch Conservancy today included Orange-crowned Warbler, Green Heron, and Great Egret. While there was respectable avian diversity, there were not very many individuals (northwest winds are to blame). A group of us went to Prairie Cafe for breakfast, and then later on in the afternoon I returned to the Sauk City canoe launch to photograph tiger beetles. There were scads of Festive and Bronzed Tiger Beetles, but only a few Oblique-lined and Big Sand. The vicious little predators were scurrying about all over the beach along the Wisconsin River.
As you can see from this series of photographs, Festive Tiger Beetles can show a variety of maculation patterns on their elytra (hardened forewings).
And a few Bronzed Tiger Beetles:
Bronzed Tiger Beetle (Cicindela repanda)
All images © 2017 Mike McDowell