I haven't been physically well enough to hit the field recently on account of coming down with a nasty virus ― I was in bed all weekend with a 102 fever. Anyway, I thought I should share something new, like these previously unpublished photographs of Ghost Tiger Beetles Ellipsoptera lepida. I don't think I'll be making a road trip to see this particular species this year, but perhaps an opportunity will yet present itself.
As fall bird migration is already underway, I will be publishing my field trip schedule soon. I will be leading an NRF tiger beetle field trip at Spring Green Preserve in September, but it's already full. For open birding events, there will be a few creek corridor warbler walks and sparrow excursions at the prairie parcel of Pheasant Branch Conservancy. I believe there will also be a field trip at Pope Farm Conservancy. Last December's Northern Shrike field trip was successful, so I think I'll try that again, too.
For now, I need rest!
All images © 2017 Mike McDowell