Townsend's Solitaire
I brought Dottie and Mark Johnson to the UW Arboretum today to view the Townsend's Solitaire. They've been out of the Wisconsin birding scene since the end of October with trips to Australia and North Carolina. The solitaire was a Wisconsin state life bird for Mark, but Dottie has previously observed them at Devil's Lake State Park. Content with our visit with the bird, we explored roads north of Middleton in search of Snowy Owls. We did find several Red-tailed Hawks, a single Rough-legged Hawk, American Kestrels, and Northern Harriers ... but no snowies!
UW Madison Arboretum (general), Dane, Wisconsin, US
Jan 14, 2018 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM
20 species
Canada Goose
Wild Turkey
Red-tailed Hawk
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Northern Shrike
Blue Jay
American Crow
Black-capped Chickadee
Red-breasted Nuthatch
White-breasted Nuthatch
Townsend's Solitaire
American Robin
European Starling
Dark-eyed Junco
Northern Cardinal
House Finch
Common Redpoll
Pine Siskin
Townsend's Solitaire © 2018 Mike McDowell