Lincoln's Sparrow
There have been numerous reports of Lincoln's Sparrows in the southern part of Wisconsin the past week or so, many coming to backyard bird feeders in the wintery weather. Though not all reports have included photographs, so far all the ones that have show Vesper Sparrows.
My FOY (April only) eBird LISPs for Pheasant Branch Conservancy:
2016-04-30 1 Mike McDowell Checklist
2016-04-29 1 Mike McDowell Checklist
2013-04-30 1 Mike McDowell Checklist
2009-04-28 1 Mike McDowell Checklist
2007-04-29 1 Mike McDowell Checklist
Link: Lincoln's Sparrow
Link: Vesper Sparrow
If you think you have a Lincoln's Sparrow in your backyard, take a photograph of it, send it to me and I'll confirm it for you.
Lincoln's Sparrow © 2018 Mike McDowell