
Creek Corridor Changes

"Progress is not an illusion; it happens, but it is slow and invariably disappointing."

― George Orwell
Local area birders might have trouble recognizing the Pheasant Branch Creek Corridor next time they visit. I think this must be Phase II (or is it III?) of the Corridor Reconstruction and Stream Bank Stabilization project. Recall The Great Flood of August 20th, 2018 and the resulting damage. Before anyone loses their you-know-what, the City of Middleton's priority is to protect personal and private property (homes and businesses) adjacent to the corridor. There were a couple of homes that were within a few meters of erosion that might have toppled down the bank. Additionally, tons of sand ended up in the marsh north of Century Avenue, so there are numerous habitat and water quality issues to boot. 

Anyway, here's a tour so you know what to expect next time you go there. It should suffice to say that it probably won't be the best place to go birding for neotropical songbirds come Spring 2023. Given all the creek corridor projects I have witnessed over the past three decades, it'll only take a few years for much of the understory to return. 

The following image is the scene just before the "V" going east from Park Street:
Looking south from that same spot:
Getting closer to the "V":
The habitat just north of the "V" at the KEWA bowl:
Just past the "V" before the second bridge:
Looking east from sandy point (which has been removed):
Looking west where sandy point used to be:
The corner just before Century Avenue:
Again, but from a slightly different vantage point:
Looking south from "Lady Blue" corner:
Going west from Park:
Looking east toward the Bridge to Nowhere (huge cottonwoods):
Just south from Kromery Middle School:
That's the Bridge to Nowhere (left) and the old CONW spot:
Sparrow point:
Sparrow point from further west:
Looking east from the last bridge before Parmenter Street:


All images © 2022 Mike McDowell