
Dispatch on The Stupid™

I didn't watch it, but it was rather amusing to hear that a senile and feeble old man baited an evolution denier last night. I find it odd when people say they don't believe in evolution ― the robust biological theory on species origins ― just as you might choose not to believe in gravitational theory, special relativity, or quantum mechanics. It's probably more accurate to take a position that one either accepts or rejects evolutionary theory or other scientific precept. I also don't believe in it, I accept it as the best scientific explanation we presently have for biological origins and life's diversity over time. 

Said denier also went on to say back in 2021 that she believes in god while rejecting evolution. Well, there are plenty of religious people who do accept it, including renown biologist (and Catholic) Dr. Ken Miller, who famously defended evolution in Kitzmiller vs. Dover. Her exact words were: “I don’t believe in that type of so-called science. I don’t believe in evolution, I believe in God.” Naturally, a classic false dichotomy. So-called science? Ha! All science trembles at the searing logic of her fiery intellect. 

The old guy did acknowledge that COVID no longer runs our lives while the virus continues to end the lives of some 500 (mostly older) Americans daily. Can you imagine the public outcry if two or three US passenger airliners carrying retirees crashed every single day killing everyone onboard for the past couple of years? That's the average US daily tally. If anything, we've had to move on and accept COVID as just another way to die ― cancer, heart disease, stroke, accidents, what have you. 

Recently I used a similar argument elsewhere and was rebutted with “Yeah, but cancer kills approximately 1,700 Americans every day. Who cares about that?” Well, that's true. But one wonders how many of those Americans would have taken an extremely low-risk poke in the arm if it meant potentially ridding them of a non-transmissible genetic and/or lifestyle affliction. Is it any wonder that political affiliation is a rising COVID comorbidity when it comes to vaccine hesitancy. 

Anyway, we're all very grateful to know she'll defend Medicare and Social Security, as the majority of her colleagues will … apparently!