
Happy Autumn Equinox!

As we bid you adieu, oh summer so grand,
With your relaxing views, like a painter's hand,
From the bluffs up high, we gazed and we dreamed,
Of a world filled with wonder, or so it seemed.
Adieu to the shallows, where waters were calm,
We waded together, in nature's own balm,
The ripples danced as we laughed and we played,
In those tranquil shallows, where time gently swayed.
Goodbye to the drinks, both cold and divine,
That quenched our thirst in the sun's golden shine,
Sipped by the shore, as waves gently played,
Memories of those moments will never fade.
Farewell, sweet summer, with your fiery embrace,
We part with a sigh, a bittersweet trace,
Of fires crackling, warming our nights,
In your gentle glow, we found pure delights.
Though you depart, in our hearts you'll remain,
A season of joy, free from worry and pain,
Farewell, dear summer, with your vibrant hues,
In our memories, we'll forever choose.

All images © 2023 Mike McDowell