
After the Rain!

"Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons." 

― Jim Bishop
It poured rain most of the day on Saturday. The skies cleared overnight, so I returned to Pheasant Branch Prairie to check in on sparrow activity. Alas, it was a little on the light side. Still, the prairie provides a serene and natural setting to witness the beauty of these gorgeous migratory birds as they make their seasonal stopover before moving on. 

Southern Wisconsin experiences a stunning transformation as the leaves on deciduous trees change from their usual green to vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow. The lush landscapes and wooded areas become a breathtaking display of autumn hues. Having said that, the bright fall colors are still holding back, but I expect that to radically change this coming weekend. 
Here's a handsome White-throated Sparrow ...
A concerned but curious Lincoln's Sparrow ...
This might have been the same LISP ...
And a Song Sparrow ...
Here's a Meadowhawk Dragonfly ...
Ah! An insect. They won't be around much longer. There's a sense of melancholy settling into the heart of the avid bug photographer. In the declining presense of these tiny wonders, a sense of longing arises, as if the changing season has hidden away the very subjects that once inspired countless frames of frozen time. But within this absence lies the promise of their return, and with each passing season, the world of the lens unfolds new chapters of wonder and discovery.

With my sparrowing mission concluded, there was still plenty of daylight left for another excursion. Where else? Devil's Lake State Park in Wisconsin is a fantastic place to hike in the fall. It's one of the most popular and picturesque state parks in Wisconsin, offering a wide range of hiking trails and stunning natural scenery, which becomes especially captivating during the evolving autumn season. 
Fall is a season of whispered enchantment and it graces the world with its presence. The air turns crisp, as if Nature itself were drawing a deep breath, and the breeze carries with it a symphony of rustling leaves and earthy fragrances. Woodlands are bathed in a golden glow, casting a spell of nostalgia and introspection. For me it's a time of reflection, change, and celebration of the Earth's final flourish before the slumber of winter. 
Fantastic views going up the bluff ...
And climbers at the top ...
Wisconsin transforms into a sanctuary of vibrant colors, where leaves, like whispers of change, descend from their lofty perches. With each day's gentle retreat, the landscape becomes a canvas, painted with the gleaming hues bidding adieu. I believe I'll return to Devil's Lake this coming weekend. 


All images © 2023 Mike McDowell