
It's November!

"This November there seems to be nothing to say."

― Anne Sexton
Wisconsin's farewell to October is a time of transition, a passage from the exuberant days of summer to the hushed stillness of winter. Nature's vibrant symphony quiets to a soft whisper, and the world seems to pause in a moment of reflection. It's a time for residents to savor the last, crisp bites of apple pie, the final harvests from the pumpkin patches, and the lingering warmth of community gatherings. As the leaves fall and the chill of November inches closer, Wisconsinites embrace the melancholy beauty of October's farewell, finding solace in the knowledge that, like the seasons, life is an ever-turning wheel, offering the promise of renewal and fresh beginnings.

In the quietude of November's arrival in Wisconsin, American Tree Sparrows become the delicate poets of the season. These small, unassuming birds, with their warm chestnut caps and dappled gray plumage, grace the landscape with their gentle presence. As they forage among the fallen leaves and frost-kissed grasses, their soft, melodic chirps seem to compose a sonnet to the changing world. Against the backdrop of November's crisp air and the backdrop of leafless trees, these sparrows remind us of nature's enduring beauty even as winter's embrace draws near. Their resilience in the face of the impending cold mirrors the human spirit's ability to find solace and grace in the simplicity of the natural world.
All images © 2023 Mike McDowell