
Nifty Shelf Cloud!

"The weather is nature's disruptor of human plans and busybodies. Of all the things on earth, nature's disruption is what we know we can depend on, as it is essentially uncontrolled by men."

― Criss Jami
Severe thunderstorms rolled through southern Wisconsin yesterday and continue to do so today. This nifty shelf cloud cruised over Barneveld Prairie yesterday while I was at work. Speaking of weather, I looked at NEXRAD this morning and there was a ton of bird migration last night. Though we seem to be past warbler peak, it does make me wonder what species were in those flocks. Dickcissels perhaps? 

I have a lot of potential blog material to sort through, especially some tiger beetle portraits. I was thrilled to find a Northern Barrens Tiger Beetle at Spring Green on Sunday. More thoughts about spring migration, the Merlin app, and what I may be doing for the remainder of the spring season. Also, perhaps some additional criticisms of antiscience entertainer/political figures. We'll see. 

Shelf Cloud Image © 2024 Mike McDowell