Happy August!
These are my field trips and open birding dates for the fall season:
08-27 @ 7:00AM PBC (CC) Warblers! [OB] ✓
09-10 @ 7:00AM PBC (CC) Warblers! [OB] ✓
09-16 @ 8:00AM Spring Green Tiger Beetles! [NRF] * ✓
09-24 @ 7:30AM PBC (CC) Warblers! [OB] ✓
10-08 @ 7:00AM PBC (PP) Sparrows! [NRF] * ✓
10-29 @ 7:30AM PBC (PP) Sparrows! [OB] ✓
12-09 @ 8:00AM PBC (PP) Shrike Hunting! [OB] ✓
NRF = Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin
OB = Open Birding
* = Registration Required ($)
Please note: The tiger beetle field trip at Spring Green Preserve is full, but I believe there are still openings for the NRF sparrow field trip at Pheasant Branch Conservancy on October 8th.
Link: What is Open Birding?
All Creek Corridor (CC) walks meet at “Parking for Creek Corridor”
Prairie Parcel (PP) walks meet at “Parking for Prairie Parcel”
See: Google Map of Pheasant Branch Conservancy (PBC)