― Axel Fredrik Cronstedt

Sauk Prairie State Recreational Area
Lori Widmann and I recently met Mike Mossman and his wife Lisa at the Sauk Prairie State Recreational Area. The mission was to show people affiliated with site conversation the importance of the large sandlot for tiger beetles –– they were absolutely enthralled with the Ghost Tiger Beetles (a Wisconsin species of Special Concern). It was engaging watching Lisa take notes as I gave an impromptu talk about tiger beetle ecology and species identification. It's my hope that the sandlot will be maintained to sustain the six species of tiger beetles that call the it their home. Afterwards, Lori and I went to the Sauk City Canoe Launch on the Wisconsin River to find Sandy Stream and Bronzed Tiger Beetles, as both were lifers for her. Success!

Ghost Tiger Beetle Ellipsoptera lepida

Punctured Tiger Beetle Cicindela punctulata
Mike Mossman wrote of the sandlot in an email: "The site was excavated for decades for its sand and gravel, when the Badger Army Ammunition Plant was in operation and especially during deconstruction, when material was used to fill depressions etc where infrastructure was removed or dug out—and possibly for the landfill, I’m not sure). When active, it had vertical cuts where Bank Swallow, Northern Rough-winged Swallows and Belted Kingfishers nested. When the Army was done with it, they smoothed the contours, leaving this rather large expanse of about 10 acres, which grades into the adjacent landscape." It's always interesting to get a little history about a place I enjoy conducting nature photography.

A rare photograph of the author.

Sandy Stream Tiger Beetle Ellipsoptera macra

Bronzed Tiger Beetle Cicindela repanda

Shoreline Wolf Spider Arctosa littoralis
All images © 2020 Mike McDowell