
Quote of the Day

"Science starts from a position of doubt, skepticism, or even distrust. If there were not doubt or skepticism about a phenomenon ― if we thought we understood it thoroughly already ― what would be the point of further study? Skepticism means, nothing more and nothing less, that we will not accept a bit of information into the corpus of 'knowledge' until it has passed through the tests of reason. It does not mean that we can never know anything or that we must always doubt ourselves (that is one of the greatest fallacies about science and reason in general) but only that we have standards for acceptance and that no fact or theory gains admittance into the 'canon' until it meets those standards. Science is 'Agnostic' in Huxley's original sense of the word ― not that knowledge is impossible (if we really thought that, there would be no point in science) but that knowledge is not knowledge until it is sufficiently justified by evidence and logic."

― David Eller