
Subconjunctival hemorrhage!

"We could go so far as to say that it is the human condition to be grotesque, since the human animal is the one that does not fit in, the freak of nature who has no place in the natural order and is capable of re-combining nature's products into hideous new forms."

― Mark Fisher
So, I took a slight spill on one of the rocky outcroppings at Spring Green this past weekend. I twisted my ankle and hyperextended my knee, but the highlight was this lovely subconjunctival hemorrhage. It looks pretty gnarly, but the good news is that they're mostly harmless and usually clear up in a few weeks. I've had these before from physical exertion, so it's nothing new. It just adds a little extra drama to the whole experience. The knee was a minor injury and a little ice and ibuprofen fixed the swollen ankle. Oh, the things I'll endure for my art!

All images © 2024 Mike McDowell